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Home/Tag: australianimmigration

Australia Easing of Coronavirus Restrictions


Australia's State, Federal and Territory Governments are Easing of Coronavirus restrictions step by step   The National cabinet introduced a 3-step plan as a part of easing of coronavirus restrictions to develop a COVIDSafe Australia with a new system of living and working. Australia successfully achieved ' flattening the curve'. day by day the number of new COVID-19 cases in Australia is getting very low. So it is time to take some alert steps to ease of coronavirus restrictions that controlled the spread of the virus. During the initial stage, COVID-19 has spread in different areas of the country in different [...]

Australia Easing of Coronavirus Restrictions2020-05-14T11:52:32+05:30

Why the COVIDSafe app is so important?


The COVIDSafe app plays a critical role in tracing people and contacting them immediately who are uncovered to Coronavirus   About the app The main objective of the COVIDSafe app is to reduce the spread of coronavirus. Operating in effective way we can find and contain the disruption for the spread of COVID-19 which means the Govt. can make a relax on restrictions by keeping Australia secured. The application supports the territory and state officials to immediately contact people who are exposed to COVID-19. Also, the COVIDsafe app can trace the close contacts of COVID-19. The COVIDSafe app accelerates the present [...]

Why the COVIDSafe app is so important?2020-05-09T10:22:36+05:30

Australian Govt. announces the highest level of advice.


Australian Govt. now recommends all Australian Citizens and Permanent Residents that don't travel overseas at this time, which is considered as the highest level of advice.   If the residents are already abroad and wish to come back to Australia, the Govt. advises everyone to come back very soon by commercial means. Disregarding the age, country, and health the Govt. recommends don't travel during this time. As many countries locked borderlines and introduce travel regulations, overseas travel is getting more tough and problematic. Sometimes, you have to change the plan, if you wish to return to Australia. In case if you [...]

Australian Govt. announces the highest level of advice.2020-03-21T14:12:47+05:30

Explore the natural beauty of Australia


Guide to explore the natural beauty of Australia Know about Australi's history in Canberra, move to the top of the roof bar in Brisbane or have a taste of Australia's multicultural domination at Adelaide's central market. From getting addicted to Melbournes eclectic food scene and enjoying pathways to get back and dipping up the country's lifestyle on Sydney's golden beaches. You can feel a big diversification in the experience of each city that shows the beauty of Australia. If a calm rescue is your perfect holiday, move to one of the beautiful regional towns just near to the city. Fine wines [...]

Explore the natural beauty of Australia2019-12-28T13:37:36+05:30

Your Employer Can’t Cancel your Australian Visa


Don't be threatened by your employer, they can't cancel your Australian Visa. If you believe you're being underpaid or mistreated, contact the department of home affairs or Fairwork Ombudsman Australia for help. All the skilled migrants, visa holders including temporary visa holders own the same work rights as others in Australia. Please check what one should know after entering Australia: Visa Applied Pay and Conditions Help with workplace issues If the migrants face any problem at work, the person can directly contact Fairwork Ombudsman anonymously in their language that can be translated into multiple languages. Australian Visa Applied Every migrant [...]

Your Employer Can’t Cancel your Australian Visa2024-01-12T16:24:10+05:30

Regional Migration – New Pathway to Australia


The Government of Australia has launched two new regional skilled provisional visas as part of Regional Migration to fill labor shortages across regional Australia. The visas are available for skilled migrants and their families who want to contribute to local communities and live work in regional Australia. Regional Migration The Government of Australia declared the changes to Australia's immigration program to enhance its economy and promote its regional areas. Major Immigration Changes Two new skilled regional provisional visas that provide a pathway to permanent residence. New skilled regional permanent resident visa A refined definition of 'Regional Australia' for migration purpose [...]

Regional Migration – New Pathway to Australia2024-01-19T15:58:00+05:30
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