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Home/Tag: australiamigration

Moving to the Countryside for Permanent Residence? Few things to know


Many people are reportedly moving to the countryside from major Australian cities. Australian Bureau of Statistics estimates that as of last September, more than 7,000 people had opted for the countryside for Permanent Residence. Australian countryside According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 11,000 people from the Australian capital have chosen the countryside  for permanent residence. As of last September, so many people had left the big cities and moved to the suburbs. Sea Change coach Caroline Cameron said people from different communities choose the countryside for permanent residence and to live in. Mr. Cameron said the change was [...]

Moving to the Countryside for Permanent Residence? Few things to know2021-03-09T16:48:26+05:30

NAATI approval for Malayalam; Extra points for Australian PR visa


Malayalam and Gujarati have also been added to the list of languages ​​to earn extra points for Australian immigration. Both languages are accredited by the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters ( NAATI ), the language recognition body. The National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) is the official language testing and accrediting agency for translators and immigrants in Australia. Malayalam has been included in the Credential Community Language Test (CCL) list to earn extra points for immigration. There are several benefits to NAATI accreditation for Malayalam. Therefore, various Malayalee groups had made efforts to get NAATI recognition. The [...]

NAATI approval for Malayalam; Extra points for Australian PR visa2021-02-11T16:10:50+05:30
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