The primary task for new immigrants to Australia is to find a job in their own field. Before applying for a job, it is important to know about the possibilities and how to apply.
1. Select the Preferred Occupation
Firstly, find out which career field has the most potential in Australia. Select the area in which you are interested in working and explore your possibilities in it. To do this, you can discuss it with friends who work in the field and search online. You can work full time, part-time, casual or on contract as per your convenience. Find out which of these is right for you and apply.
2. Apply for a Job
It’s better to have an email id for only job purposes. Here it is common for job applications to be received via email. So consider an email id for business matters. Also, find vacancies in your favorite field in newspapers and online.
3. Important ways to Find a Job.
Major Websites –,
To search for public sector jobs –
To find volunteering opportunities –
The LinkedIn profile is crucial in the Australian job market. Employers will also check this. Find job opportunities through LinkedIn Jobs
Join labor associations and discussion groups. It helps with networking.
Attend seminars and discussions organized by associations. It can even find jobs that are not advertised outside.
Send your resume to recruitment agencies and talk to them directly instead of just sitting around. Then try to see for yourself. This is very important.
Many new Indian companies are investing in Australia. Especially in areas including IT. People of Indian descent can get opportunities in their recruitment.
Avoid sending applications for all the jobs you see, even if you do not get the job. It can do more harm than good.
4. Register with Central and Employment Agencies
You can register with Central and Government-recognized employment agencies to find out about job opportunities in the area where you want to work. For example, “Job Active” is a government initiative that connects job seekers with employers in the area. Registering with such employment agencies may help you to get a job.
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